30th July 2003 - Nottingham Caesers 64-7 Manchester Titans

The Titans knew they faced a huge challenge to come to the unbeaten Caesers who had earlier in the season defeated them 63 – 0. However they made the trip across the pennines to play their final game of the season.

A great punt by Jodie Forder started the Caesers at their own 2 yd line, however the Caesers immediately showed their class by making a huge drive to make their first score of the day. This was finished by a Touchdown pass and two point conversion both to the speedy Caesers receiver#20. They almost identically scored again with the same post corner route from the same reciever.

The quarter ended 14-0 and the half ended 34-0. The Titans cam out fired up for the second half and even though they continued to concede, two turnovers by the defence from Chris Haywood and Phil Chapman ahowed they were still plating this game. The offence showed up aswell with some steady running and then the line held well to give QB Rik Lowthian time to throw a precision pass to Jodie Forder, and great blocking from Omar Bahfir saw the first score against the Caesers on their home soil for two years.

The game finished 64-7 in what was a hard fought contest in great spirits by both sides.

This concluded the Titans first ever season in which it has built wide respect across the division and is even producing some outstanding prospects